A cake that is topped with a swirl of cacao and peanuts


“This is a dish that I made while I was on a retreat, and the swirls in the cake were inspired by the sea and the rolling waves that it formed. I hope you enjoy it!”

In addition to a dash of vanilla and peanuts, its taste is sweet and salty at the same time. Whenever I am gripped with fear or when I am feeling overwhelmed, my grandma reminds me that I should sit with water and allow it to inspire me. She does this on a regular basis. She tells me that water is capable of being both strong and delicate at the same time; it is able to pass through obstacles with ease, it does not fear where it is going, it does not get caught up in the future, and it just adapts to whatever is in its way. Water serves as a reminder to flow in life, and when I am in a state of flow, I am able to create. Water is a reminder that I should flow.

It takes thirty-five minutes to cook, four hours to soak, and three hours to set in the refrigerator or freezer overnight. This dish is suitable for twelve people and has to be prepared. It is not at all difficult to do the task.

  • 160 grams of whole almonds, which is equivalent to five and a half ounces or one cup
  • Dates from the Deglet noor kind measure 160 grams, which is equivalent to five and a half ounces or one-half cup. These dates are more reasonably priced than Medjool dates.
  • Little salt, just a tiny amount
  • To make the filling, use three-quarters of a teaspoon of coconut oil that has been cooked.
  • A total of 250 grams, which is equivalent to 9 ounces or 1 and a half cups, of cashews that have been soaked for four to six hours and then drained.


  • A total of 125 grams, or four and a half ounces, of peanut butter
  • Two drops of pure vanilla extract without any additives
  • Agave syrup, four tablespoons’ worth It takes 250 milliliters, which is equivalent to nine fluid ounces, of water and five teaspoons of melted coconut oil.
  • A significant quantity of salt is included in the dull part.
  • The following ingredients are required: three tablespoons of agave syrup, one cup of water, and nine fluid ounces or 250 milliliters.
  • Melted coconut oil equaling four teaspoons, five teaspoons of cacao powder, and five teaspoons of cacao powder

Applying the TAP technique on the components used

In order to create the foundation, the almonds and dates are given a thorough grinding in a food processor until they are completely broken down. Following that, include the salt and the melted coconut oil into the mixture, and continue to blend for a few minutes until all of the components are well combined and the mixture starts to begin to bind together. You should apply a lot of pressure to cover the bottom of the cake pan with a loose bottom that measures 23 cm or 9 inches when you have the mixture in the cake pan.
In order to get started on the preparation of the filling, you need begin by halving the cashews that have been exposed to water. After that, put one half of the cashews, the peanut butter, the vanilla extract, the agave, and the water into a blender. Blend until smooth. Mix until the mixture is completely smooth. In the event that the filling is too thick and is not coming together, you may adjust the consistency of the filling by adding an extra tablespoon of water at this point. After the coconut oil has been heated, add it to the mixture and stir it until it is thoroughly absorbed. During the time that you are preparing the chocolate filling, the mixture should be transferred to a bowl or jar, and then it should be put away.

Using the food processor, blend the remaining half of the cashews that have been soaked with the salt, agave, water, and cacao powder until the mixture is fully smooth. This should take about a minute. In the event that the filling is too thick and is not coming together, you may adjust the consistency of the filling by adding an extra tablespoon of water at this point. Combine the components in a blender until they are thoroughly mixed into the mixture.

After the tart pan has been prepared, the chocolate filling should be poured into it to make a circular. Following this step, the peanut filling should be put on top of the chocolate filling within the cake. This procedure need to be performed again and again until both fillings have been consumed. It is possible to use a chopstick in order to create swirls in the filling.
For the purpose of allowing it to solidify, you can either place it in the refrigerator for the whole night or in the freezer for three hours. If it has been frozen, it must be let to thaw at room temperature before being sliced and eaten. This is a time-consuming process.

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